Health IT

iPhone users may find Athenahealth products easier to use…at a cost

An Athenahealth Inc. executive tells industry professionals that the company could be facing a big R&D expense if it decides to take its cloud-based physician practice management software beyond Microsoft Corp.’s ubiquitious Internet Explorer web browser. Athenahealth Inc. (NSDQ:ATHN) is weighing whether to adapt its cloud-based physician practice management software to include web browsers other […]

Health IT

Athenahealth gets electronic medical records patent

Athenahealth Inc. (NSDQ:ATHN) acquired a patent for its web-based electronic medical record system. The patent, for “Automated Configuration of Medical Practice Management Systems,” represents a new system that will work with the web-based features in the Watertown, Mass.-based firm’s pre-existing practice management software. The company said, “The patent issued covers the self-service implementation of a […]